Absio Dispatch

Now you can finally give customers everything they want—innovative architectures, impressive features, and enterprise-grade, mobile-ready security that follows the data everywhere it goes.

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  2. Absio Dispatch Today
  3. Absio Dispatch Online
  4. Absio Dispatch Newspaper
  5. Absio Dispatch
  6. Absio Dispatch Obituaries
// End-to-end encryption software

Application-Level Data Security Represents a New Paradigm in Data Protection.

  • Supports the software architecture, rather than dictating it
  • Enables better data protection without sacrificing usability and performance
  • Reduces liability and lowers the cost of complying with data security and privacy regulations around the world
  • Shifts security conversations to earlier in the product development lifecycle saving time and money
Absio dispatch online

With Absio, security and privacy don’t have to wait until software goes live. Protection doesn’t have to rely on users’ hardware and customers’ network defenses. Strong data security can be built directly into applications, by default and by design.

Website: absio.com. Location: Highlands Ranch. What they do: Absio’s Dispatch product is an email application that automatically secures messages and attachments, no matter where they are. Funding to date: $16.93 million. Absio’s focus is on protected and safe transmissions of emails and corresponding attachments. Absio's rules-based, patented technology automates constant oversight of the flow of email data, whether it is stored, in motion, or currently in use. Absio Dispatch, a flagship product for the company, integrates seamlessly with Microsoft.

  1. Absio Dispatch - Simple And Transparent Email Encryption Britecloud.com Secure your email conversations with transparent email encryption. Absio dispatch is an easy-to-use application that automatically encrypts each individual message and attachment, and maintains that encryption everywhere – on the sender’s device, in transit, in the.
  2. Absio Dispatch is an easy-to-use email app that automatically secures your messages and attachments all the time, everywhere they existon your device, in transit, in the cloud, and on your.
  3. Absio boils military-grade, mobile- and edge-ready application level data security down to a simple API. Code is available in multiple programming languages and 100% free to download and use.
// Data Encryption API

Take Control Of Application Security

Build comprehensive security and privacy features into software with the ease of calling an API. Absio’s toolkit delivers:

Absio Dispatch Login

Integrate security within the application to protect data—and the business—without relying on customers’ network defenses or third-party security services.


Leverage security and privacy tools that support your preferred software architecture and scale seamlessly as applications evolve.


Meet rising privacy and security expectations and strengthen client relationships by reducing their risk and security burden.

Absio Dispatch Today

LEARN MORE// Multi-Platform Encryption Software

Absio Dispatch Online

Any Platform.
Any Architecture.
Any Level of Protection You & Your Customers Need.

The Absio developer toolkit boils military-grade, mobile- and edge-ready data security down to a simple API. Code is available in multiple programming languages and 100% free to download and use. Flexible licensing fees apply only when the software is deployed in a production environment.

// encryption key management system

Created for Defense in Dangerous Territory

Absio’s technology was originally developed for battlefield information sharing. Intelligence operatives couldn’t rely on a central repository for encryption key management. Application performance couldn’t be sacrificed. But devices might be compromised at any time.

Absio Dispatch Newspaper

It’s not so different from today’s environment, where users carry a wealth of business and personal information in their pockets and interact with countless IT systems every day. Their data security and privacy depend on you. Your reputation depends on how well you protect it.

The Absio development toolkit is ready for DIY. Leverage our extensive library of developer resources to deploy, test, and launch.

Let us assess your application’s security design, assist you in integrating Absio technology, or provide complete product development outsourcing.

Absio Dispatch is an easy-to-use email app that automatically secures your messages and attachments all the time, everywhere they exist--on your device, in transit, in the cloud, and on your recipients' devices. In addition, Dispatch allows you to control how long your recipients have access to your messages and attachments, and what they can do with them.

Absio Dispatch

Secure Your Email Conversations - Dispatch automatically encrypts each individual message and attachment, and maintains that encryption everywhere, all the time. Each individually-encrypted file is further stored in Absio’s patented obfuscating file system, so if a device is lost, stolen or hacked, exporting data reveals nothing but thousands of nonsensically-named files containing distinctly-encrypted objects. Each file is decrypted only while in use by an authorized user within the Dispatch app. Absio never has access to user passwords or encryption keys, and therefore, can’t read your messages and attachments or enable anyone else to do so.

Control When And How Your Emails Can Be Used - Dispatch also allows you to control how long your recipients have access to email messages and attachments, and what they can do with them. The sender can determine in advance if recipients can save, print, copy, forward or reply all to the message, and if recipients can save, print or copy from attached files. The sender can also set messages to expire at a certain time or recall sent messages.

Absio Dispatch Obituaries

Note: Though the app is fee to download, use requires establishment of an Absio account.