AdBlocker Privacy Pro

Privacy notice (short version)

The 2021 NFL Pro Days have been going on the last several weeks and we have been compiling the results on a the spreadsheet that you see below. The results for each position group are on different.

The following privacy notice shall provide you with a general overview about the collection, processing and use (hereinafter together referred to as 'processing') of your personal data. For more information regarding our processing activities, please view our complete Privacy Policy.

Adblocker Privacy Pro For Safari

What kind of personal data do we process?

Adblocker & Privacy Protector

  • It is used by tens of millions of users worldwide on all major browsers in more than 30 languages. Created by Michael Gundlach in 2009, AdBlock is now one of the most popular browser tools in existence. The open-source software we create is designed to give.
  • AdGuard AdBlocker effectively blocks all types of advertising on all web pages, even on Facebook, YouTube, and others! ## What AdGuard AdBlocker does: ★ Blocks all ads: video ads (includes YouTube adblock), rich media advertising, unwanted pop-ups (pop-up blocker), banners and text ads (includes Facebook adblock) ★ Speeds up page loading and saves bandwidth, thanks to the missing ads.
  • Download Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge from the world’s most popular ad-blocking extension, Adblock Plus. It’s free and open-source. Improve the quality of your online experience and get more control! - Block annoying ads and pop-ups - Block intrusive YouTube™ ads - Improve page loading times - Fight off harmful 'malvertisement' - Stop tracking.
  • Ad blocker with built-in privacy. Some ad blocker apps monitor their users, create profiles of them, and sell their data to generate revenue and further their business. Apps, including ad blocks, have different sources of income. Vivaldi browser is different. We are in the business of protecting your data.
Adblocker privacy pro app
  1. While using our products: Adblock Plus or Adblock Browser (automatically, except for Issue Reporter)
    • Extension updates, subscription downloads, emergency notifications:
      • Browser version
      • Extension version
      • Operating system
      • Date of last update
      • IP address
      • Log file data on Updates page
      • Additionally, you may manually submit the following information about a webpage using the Issue Reporter:
        • Browser build, if any
        • URL
        • URL of referred webpage, if any, and webpage that opened the given page
        • Blockable items
        • Matching filters
        • Active filter lists
        • Access to browser settings and installed plug-ins
        • Enabled extensions (voluntary)
    • Donations:
      • Amount of donation
      • Browser language
      • Extension name and version
      • Browser type and version
      • Operating system and version
      • Number of notification downloads
      • Information whether the local storage of the extension configuration is corrupted
      • Filter subscriptions enabled/disabled
      • Identifying information about the devices that connect to the payment service provider
    • For all mobile products and Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS
      • Crash reports:
        • UUID and crash traces in order to help a user associate crash data with specific instances of our products
        • Instance IDS
        • Device type
        • application ID
        • App and/or extension version
        • Free space
        • Free ram
        • A timestamp of when a crash happened
      • Event tracking:
        • App and/or extension version
        • Demographic data (gender, age)
        • Device type
        • Which platforms you are using
        • Location data based on your IP address (country)
        • Button clicks and/or navigation patterns
        • Screens shown
    • Adblock Browser, based on Chromium, provides Chromium-specific functionality which, however, may send data to Google.
    • Adblock Browser for iOS (automatically):
      • Error and crash report data:
        • Bundle identifier, bundle version and short bundle version string of Adblock Browser
        • Device type, CPU architecture and version of the operating system
        • Timestamp of crash
        • UUID
        • Plain-text class name and message value of the exception
        • Instruction pointer, method or function names, signal data, pointer registers and information about the loaded binary images
        • String / function name identifying the error
    • For Adblock Plus on desktop, when uninstalling Adblock Plus
      • Automatically:
        • Browser language
        • Extension name and version
        • Browser type and version
        • Operating system and version
        • Number of notification downloads
        • Information whether the local storage of the extension configuration is corrupted
        • Filter subscriptions enabled / disabled
      • Voluntary:
        • Reason for uninstallation
  2. While using our websites
    • Automatically:
      • IP address (stored separately)
      • The time at which the request was made
      • The web address accessed
      • The browser identifier
      • The referring page
      • Aggregated analytics data
    • Voluntary:
      • Forum registration data
      • Email address
      • Data you provide in comments
      • Feedback and filter data
  3. For user support
    • User name (contact via social media) and/or email
    • Device information
    • Version of Adblock Plus and other applicable tech specifications
    • URLs the user is having issues with
    • Adblock Plus issues
    • Address and transaction ID numbers for donation refunds (voluntary)
  4. In connection with social media
    • On our social media pages: Usage profiles
    • Link / button to social media in Adblock Plus: Amount of blocked elements

How do we collect data?

List of techniques and tools we use for data collection.

  1. In our products:
    • Update checks
    • Subscription downloads
    • Sending issue reports
    • Sending crash reports
    • In our mobile products and Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS: via Firebase Analytics
    • Emergency notification checks
    • Referring to an uninstall or donation webpage
    • Data in connection with receiving donations
    • Log files in connection with Updates page
  2. On our websites:
    • Cookies
    • Log files
    • Data, like name and / or email address and / or communication data, sent by you when using our forum or blog, using the “BECOME A PARTNER” button, or when sharing manually added filters
    • For non-EU/EEA users only: Via Google Analytics
  3. For user support:
    • Via email sent by you
    • From user reviews in App Stores
    • From forum posts
    • From Browser Web Store reviews
    • From social platforms like Facebook and Twitter
  4. Data you provide to us via social media
  5. In connection with social media:
    • On our social media pages: Cookies
    • Sharing function in Adblock Plus: Links

How and why do we process your data?

  • In order to inform you about urgent issues in connection with our products.
  • To improve and to evaluate our products by processing and analyzing subscription downloads, extension updates, emergency downloads, uninstallation information, and issue reports you send to us.
  • For technical purposes, such as, but not limited to, preventing security attacks, to improve our website / products, to ensure website / product security.
  • To analyze aggregated website logs, and for non-EU/EEA users analytics data, to improve our website.
  • For communication and assistance purposes in our forum and blog.
  • For discussing and negotiating a partnership with you.
  • For assisting you with any issues you may have with our products.
  • For receiving donations that you send to us and for fraud detection.
  • To promote our products.
  • In connection with our social media pages, social networks use the data for market research and advertising purposes.

What is the legal basis of data processing?

We process your personal data in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”), the applicable EU laws and German national data protection laws.

How long do we keep data?

  1. For a period of 30 days:
    • Issue report data
    • iOS crash and error reporter data
    • Website logs
    • Data related to subscription downloads, extension update checks, emergency notifications
    • Data related to uninstalling the extension
  2. For a period of 180 days:
    • In our mobile products and Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS crash reporting
  3. For a period of 60 days:
    • event tracking
  4. Blog and forum data as long as the respective comment / account exists
  5. All user support data is deleted one (1) year after closing the respective support case.
  6. For a period of 10 years:
    • Donation report data
    • Partner data

Note: “Aggregated usage statistics”, such as analytics data and other data without any connection to a single user, may be retained beyond these periods.

Our values

We collect as little data as possible. As far as anonymous or pseudonymous use is possible we anonymize or pseudonymize your data.

What rights do you have?

  • Receive information about the personal data processed by us and how we process your data as well as to gain access to such data.
  • Rectify inaccurate personal data and restrict details.
  • Receive all your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as having such data transmitted to another controller.
  • Request erasure of your data, unless such data needs to be retained for legal purposes.
  • Object to the processing of your data.
  • Withdraw your consent at any time, when you have provided us with your consent to the processing of your personal data.
  • Lodge a complaint with the respective supervisory authority.


Contact our Data Protection Officer, Cornelius Witt, via email or phone.

Privacy Policy (long version)

General information about your privacy

The following information applies to the collection, processing and use of personal data in connection with our services, as but not limited to, the Adblock Plus extension, Adblock Browser and on our websites.

General notes

Your protection and data confidentiality is of utmost importance to us ('eyeo', 'we', 'our'). We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and collect as little data as possible. Nevertheless, collecting data helps our products and websites function correctly, and allows us to communicate with you. Our general privacy policy is to avoid collecting more data than necessary. Collected data is anonymized, if possible, and deleted when no longer needed. This privacy policy shall inform you about the collection, processing and use of your personal data. We gather and use personal data firmly within the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”), the applicable EU Laws and German national data protection laws. In the following text we will inform you about the specific data, the scope and the purpose of the collection and use of personal data by eyeo when using our products and visiting our websites.

Who is responsible for data collection and processing (contacts)?

The legal person responsible for the collection, processing and / or use of personal data in connection with our websites and products ('Controller') is:


eyeo GmbH
Lichtstr. 25
50825 Cologne

Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions regarding your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer:

Cornelius Witt

Adblocker Privacy Pro For Windows 10

+49 (0) 221 / 64306371
email address
+49 (0) 221 / 64306372

What is personal data?

The purpose of data protection is to protect personal data. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

This information includes, for example, details such as name and email address, but also nicknames and information in your forum posts.

What is the purpose of data processing and what is the legal basis?

Ad Blocker Privacy Pro

Purpose of data collection and processing

In compliance with Art. 5 (b) GDPR, we collect and process your personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and do not further process your data in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.

We collect and process your personal data solely for the following purposes:

  1. We collect and process your personal data, such as website logs and data relating to subscription downloads, extension update checks (such data is collected and processed by Google, see Google Privacy Policy), emergency notifications and Issue Reporter data sent by you, for technical purposes. We mainly collect and process such data to prevent security attacks and are thus able to provide our services to you in a secure and), on our Websites. Google Analytics uses so-called 'cookies' (text files stored on your computer that enable us to analyze your use of our Websites). Information generated by the cookies (including your abbreviated IP address) is transmitted to and stored at a Google server in the United States. Google uses this information to assess your use of our Websites, to compile activity reports, and to provide more services connected with the use of our Websites. It is possible that Google may transmit this information to third parties if required by law, or if third parties process this information on behalf of Google.

    You can deactivate Google Analytics if you do not want to help us improve our products. But please note that in this case, a cookie will be set that stores your deactivation choice. This cookie is considered a “necessary cookie” and can’t be deactivated.

    Change cookie settings

    Necessary cookies

    Used to remember your privacy preferences. They cannot be switched off.

    Tracking cookies

    We use these to analyze website traffic.

    A/B testing cookies

    We use these Google Optimize cookies for A/B testing based on the analytics data.

    For non-EU/EEA users only: Google Tag Manager

    Our Website uses Google Tag Manager for the implementation of Google Analytics. Google Tag Manager, provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ('Google”), is a solution that allows marketed website tags to be managed using an interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-less domain and does not register personal data. The tool causes other tags to be activated. These tags then may register data under certain deactivated domains or on a cookie level. This setting will remain in place for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager.

    For non-EU/EEA users only: Google Optimize

    Our Website uses the web analysis and optimization service Google Optimize provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ('Google”). We use the Google Optimize service to increase the attractiveness, content and functionality of our Website by playing new features and content to a percentage of our users and statistically evaluating the usage change (A/B testing). Google Optimize is a sub-service of Google Analytics.

    Google Optimize uses cookies, which enable us to optimize and analyze your use of our Website. The information generated by these cookies about your use of our Website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We use Google Optimize with activated IP anonymization so that your IP address is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union, or within the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our Website, compiling reports on optimization tests and related website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

    You can deactivate Google Optimize if you do not want to help us improve our products. But please note that in this case, a cookie will be set that stores your deactivation choice. This cookie is considered a “necessary cookie” and can’t be deactivated.

    Change cookie settings

    Necessary cookies

    Used to remember your privacy preferences. They cannot be switched off.

    Tracking cookies

    We use these to analyze website traffic.

    A/B testing cookies

    We use these Google Optimize cookies for A/B testing based on the analytics data.


    On our website, we automatically collect the following information.

    Facebook Messenger integration

    We have embedded the Facebook Messenger functionality, owned by Facebook, Inc., into the website to enable you to submit screenshots to our bot (“Adblock AI”) via Messenger, without having to access the Facebook website. Please note that Messenger is hosted by Facebook. We have disabled the function that would otherwise send personal data to Facebook when you access our website; however, when you click on the button to help train Adblock AI with your screenshots (“START NOW”) you will activate Messenger. Only then will some personal data, including IP address, be transferred to Facebook. For more information, please review Facebook's Privacy Policy. If you do not want to transfer data to Facebook, please do not click on the button to send information to Adblock AI through Facebook Messenger.

    Information you give to us on a voluntary basis

    The Adblock Plus forum and blog are both publicly available to all visitors. If you write a post or comment, we collect and process personal data as follows:

    Forum registration

    We use personal data you entered during forum registration to form the user's public profile, which is visible to other forum visitors for the purpose that users can associate forum posts with a particular person.

    Passwords and email addresses will not be visible to other forum visitors.

    • Passwords go through one-way encryption before they are stored on the server.
    • Email addresses are only displayed in the public profile if explicitly agreed to. By default, they are only used for the sending of notifications to which you subscribed.

    Note: Registration is not required to read articles in the forum and you can delete your account at any time.

    Blog comments

    When you add a comment on the Adblock Plus blog, you can optionally specify an email address. Unlike the other fields, the email address is never displayed to other visitors and is only used to notify the comment author about replies to their comments, if any.

    Email collection


    Some of eyeo's Websites host product campaigns that rely on email collection. For example, you can request a link by email to install Adblock Browser on your mobile device. We do not use third parties to manage these campaigns. Instead, data that you submit is handled in-house (i.e. turned into an email or used to send the email). We will never share or sell your email address, or any other information collected, to any third parties.

    Ad blocking partner integrations

    If you click on our “BECOME A PARTNER” button, your email client will open with the option to send an email to us. Your email address and all information you send in this email will solely be used to discuss and negotiate a potential partnership with you. Your contact data will be stored in our Customer Relationship Management System. For more information on how we process our business partner’s data please check:

    Data retention

    Data provided by you in connection with our blog and our forum will be retained for the same time as the comment and / or your account exists.

    In general, we do not store your email address unless it’s specifically required to execute the related campaign (i.e. email signups for a newsletter or signing up to get notified about a product launch). In cases where we do store your email address, we only store it for the length of time that is needed to execute the campaign (i.e. once you’ve been notified of the launch).

    In case you are entering into a partner agreement, please find more information on our retention periods here:

    Collection and processing for user support

    For user support, we use a customer relation management software from Zendesk, Inc. (find more information here) that allows for the integration of user support channels, like social media and email responses. In the event that you contact us for support via email and / or our social media channels, we collect the following data in order to help you to solve your issue sufficiently:

    • User name (contact via social media) and / or email
    • Device information
    • Version of Adblock Plus and other applicable tech specifications
    • URLs the user is having issues with
    • Adblock Plus issues
    • Address and transaction ID numbers for donation refunds (voluntary)

    All user support data is deleted one (1) year after closing the respective support case.

    Collection and processing in connection with social media

    Our social media presence

    In order to communicate with you, and to inform you about our activities and offers on social networks, we are active on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, VK, Twitter and LinkedIn. In terms of Facebook, both Facebook and eyeo are jointly responsible for the processing of your personal data (“joint controller”, GDPR Art. 26), even if it is stored exclusively by the respective social network. Therefore, we still inform you about the data processing processes in connection with our presence on the respective social network as follows.

    If you follow our respective online presence on one or more of the social networks used by us, please note that your data may be processed outside the European Union / the European Economic Area. However, all the networks we use have agreed to comply with EU data protection standards.

    The social networks we use also process your data regularly for market research and advertising purposes. Based on your usage behavior and interests, the networks may create usage profiles which are used, for example, to place advertisements corresponding to your potential interests within and outside of the networks. For these purposes, cookies, which store your usage behavior and interests, as well as possibly also the devices you use, are regularly stored on your computer.

    For a detailed overview of the respective processing operations and opt-out options, please visit the website of each social network, listed below. For the assertion of your rights and requests for information, we also refer you to the respective social networks, where you can exercise your rights most effectively. This is because the social networks have access to your data and can therefore directly take appropriate measures and provide you with the respective information:

    • Facebook (Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland), Facebook Fan Page based on a joint controller agreement – Privacy Policy:, Opt-Out: and
    • Instagram (Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA) – Privacy Policy / Opt-Out:
    • Pinterest (Pinterest Europe Ltd., Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland) – Privacy Policy:, / Opt-Out:
    • VK (VK LLC, 1-N, bld. 12-14, Lit. A, Khersonskaya st., St. Petersburg, Russia, 191024) – Privacy Policy:
    • Twitter (Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA) – Privacy Policy:, Opt-Out:
    • LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland) – Privacy Policy:, Opt-Out:

    Links / buttons to social media

    The links / buttons to social networks and platforms (Facebook and Twitter) used within Adblock Plus for the purpose to enable you to share the amount of elements you have blocked with Adblock Plus generally only establish contact between social networks or platforms and you when you click on the links / buttons. This function corresponds to the way a regular online link works. If you click on a corresponding link / button, this opens a new page via the servers of the respective social network or platform. Through this, the operator of the social network is informed that our website has been accessed via your IP address. At the same time, the social network can place cookies on your terminal device or read cookies unless you have prohibited the use of cookies in your browser. For further information on any processing of your personal data by the operators of the social networks or platforms, please refer to the privacy policies of Facebook ( and Twitter (

    California Privacy Notice

    This section only applies to California residents. It explains how we collect and use Personal Information as well as the rights available to California residents under the California Consumer Protection Act (“CCPA”). The words in this section have the same meaning given to them in the CCPA. Please note that the words as described under the CCPA may be broader than their common meaning.

    Personal Information,” for example, refers to information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to you or your household. Personal Information does not include information that is aggregated or information that cannot be reasonably linked to you.

    What Personal Information we collect and how we use it

    In order to provide you with our products and services (“Products”), we must process certain Personal Information about you. We do not sell any of your Personal Information, and we never will. For a detailed explanation about the kinds of information that we collect and how we use it, please review the information provided above. Here is a summary of the CCPA categories of Personal Information that we may have collected about you over the past 12 months:

    • Identifiers;
    • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including information about your browser, extension, and operating system;
    • Geolocation data; and
    • Inferences drawn from any of the information identified that reflect your preferences and attitudes.

    We may have collected these categories of Personal Information for the following business purposes:

    • To personalize the Products we provide to you;
    • To evaluate and improve our Products;
    • To provide limited analytic services;
    • To communicate with you;
    • To ensure security and functionality of our Products; and
    • To perform other business purposes.

    How we share Personal Information

    Subject to the limitations in this Privacy Policy, we share your Personal Information with external vendors (“Service Providers”) that are contractually prohibited from retaining, using, or disclosing Personal Information for any purpose other than the specific business purposes described in the contract. These Service Providers include:

    • Service providers that analyze your use of our website and test the accompanying data; and
    • Service providers that support our mobile products; and
    • Service providers that facilitate user support.

    Additionally, we may also share your Personal Information with law enforcement or other third parties as necessary to comply with legal requirements.

    Sources from which we collect Personal Information

    We receive Personal Information from you, our websites, your device(s), and our external service providers. The categories of sources from which we have collected or received Personal Information include:

    • You: We collect information that you voluntarily provide, such as registration data on our public forum or information that you send to us as part of issue reports, user support queries, and user reviews.
    • Your device(s): We receive information from and about the computers, phones, and browsers that you use in connection with our Products.
    • Our Websites: We collect information about how you interact with and use our websites.
    • Your Social Media Profiles: We collect information about your social media subscriptions, if you choose to contribute to content in that manner.
    • Service Providers: We engage vendors to perform business purposes on our behalf and share information with them to provide us with such business purposes including, analytics, mobile product support, hosting of products, and user support.

    What are your rights under the CCPA?

    The CCPA provides you with the following rights:

    • Right to Know: you have the right to request that we disclose to you the categories of Personal Information that we have collected, the categories of sources from which we have collected the Personal Information, the business purpose for collecting Personal Information, the categories of third parties with whom we have shared Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information about you that we have collected;
    • Right to Request Deletion: you have the right to request that we delete any Personal Information about you that we have collected; and
    • Right to Non-Discrimination: we will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights.

    Please note that we have a duty to verify your identity whenever you exercise your Right to Know and/or your Right to Request Deletion. In order to do so, we will request Personal Information from you to match against the Personal Information in our records. In some cases, we may also request additional documentation to verify your identity.

    Please also note that the CCPA allows you to exercise these rights yourself or to designate an authorized agent who will exercise these rights on your behalf. In the event that an authorized agent exercises rights on your behalf, we may request a written permission from you that establishes the individual as your authorized agent as well as other information necessary to verify the identity of the authorized agent.

    To exercise any of these rights, please submit a request to email address.

    Contact for more information

    If you have any questions about this section or how to exercise your rights under the CCPA, please contact us.