Trello And Evernote

Trello and Evernote are available on various platforms starting from mobile to desktop. Trello is available on the following platforms Android, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Furthermore, the software is also web-based. That means you can as well use Trello in. Jun 7, 2016 - Boost your productivity and get things done faster and more efficiently with these Trello tips. See more ideas about evernote, small business tools, productivity. For instance, use Zapier to automatically create Trello cards from new Typeform entries, Gmail emails, or Evernote notes, so that you can put your mind to more important things. Use IFTTT to create new Trello cards when items are added to Google Calendar, or when you take a photo you can have it automatically attach to a Trello card.

By now you understand the Trello landscape: boards, lists, and cards. Let’s take a look at the Power-Ups, integrations, and developer platform that are going to get you a lot more bang for your productivity buck.


Listen, we know Trello isn’t the only app your team is using to get things done (what?!). Bring apps and services like Slack, Bitbucket, Google Drive, Salesforce, and more into your Trello boards to keep all your data located and accessible in one place.

In a glance you are able to keep up to date on all the work getting done across every app. Power-Ups can also be used to customize cards, add automation, or get a new perspective on boards with capabilities such as Custom Fields, Card Repeater, Calendar, and more.

It's easy to add Power-Ups to your boards:

  1. Click the Power-Ups button on a board’s menu to open the Power-Ups directory.
  2. Click “Add” next to the Power-Up you would like to add to the board.
  3. Click the gear icon next to the add button to edit its settings and link any accounts from the apps you are integrating with the Trello board.
  4. For most Power-Ups, open a Trello card and click the new button for the Power-Up to begin adding information, files, and more to your cards. Or, click the Power-Up’s button at the top of your Trello board.

Quick note: Every board can have one Power-Up enabled for free, and Business Class and Enterprise team members can enable unlimited Power-Ups on their boards.

Make A Power Play

Trello And Evernote

Teams are using Power-Ups to turn Trello boards into the ultimate app for getting things done. A lightweight CRM for startup sales teams, an email-free content management system, a design team powerhouse, and more.

Here’s a quick look at just a few different ways your department can get more done with Power-Ups.

Marketing Editorial Calendar

  • Start an article outline in Evernote and attach it to a card to pitch the idea.
  • Create a new Google Doc from Google Drive directly from Trello and compose the article.
  • Set a due date for publishing and visualize the pipeline with the Calendar.
  • Attach a Drive folder to the card so everyone can access the image assets for the post.

Sales CRM Pipeline

  • Attach Salesforce leads and opportunities to cards to quickly access important information.
  • Create Custom Fields for requests, quotes, and additional data points.
  • Securely manage and share contracts and documents with OneDrive.
  • Keep track of scheduled meetings and calls with the Calendar.

Design Workflow

  • Attach prototypes to cards from InVision.
  • Organize visual assets in one location with Dropbox.
  • Send cards to Slack channels for team feedback.
  • Have a dedicated Whereby room for regular design huddles.

Check out more ways marketing, sales, developers, PMs, HR, and support can customize their boards with Power-Ups in our team playbooks.


Integrations And Extensions


Difference Between Trello And Evernote

Customize your Trello experience even further with browser extensions, add-ons, and connectors made by both the Trello team and third party developers.

Use the Zapier and IFTTT connectors to automate your workflow between your favorite apps or within Trello itself. For instance, use Zapier to automatically create Trello cards from new Typeform entries, Gmail emails, or Evernote notes, so that you can put your mind to more important things.

Use IFTTT to create new Trello cards when items are added to Google Calendar, or when you take a photo you can have it automatically attach to a Trello card. The sky’s the limit, and you can create custom automations for whatever you like!

Download mac torrent for macbook air 2013. Browser extensions let you tweak Trello to create a more personalized experience when using Trello in the browser:

  • Add card counts, estimation points, and more with Plus for Trello.
  • Create new cards and find boards directly from the Chrome address bar.
  • Install Next Step for Trello to see the next items in a card’s checklist without having to open the card.

See all of the different integrations and extensions available for Trello.

Develop On Trello

Want to build a Power-Up for your team, a custom feature, or a cool browser extension? Fear not: Trello has an open platform that any developer can build upon. Learn all about the Trello API, Power-Ups platform, and check out some easily remixable Power-Up samples at It has everything you need to get started developing on the Trello platform.

Trello And Evernote Integration

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