Workspace Manager

The following plugin provides functionality available throughPipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into yourPipeline in theStepssection of thePipeline Syntaxpage.

For a list of other such plugins, see thePipeline Steps Referencepage.

  • External Workspace Manager Plugin

This detailed Workspace Manager user guide is perfect for anyone who is managing a Workspace or is interested in how to go about setting up a new Workspace. It includes information on user roles within a Workspace, Workspace settings, Teams and folder accss.

External Workspace Manager Plugin

After Task Manager is launched, RES Workspace manager completes the workspace with all policies and rules so starting any unauthorized processes through task manager isn’t possible, but users can see information you rather want to hide (like performance, who is logged on etc). Using the Workspace Manager Each WorkspaceManager instance is associated with a particular visual control (target control). To create a WorkspaceManager, set the WorkspaceManager.IsEnabled attached property for a visual control to true. A new WorkspaceManager instance will be. Workspace Software Allow participants and presenters to write, diagram, manipulate and annotate over content with ease. Mac Users: Users who have upgraded to OS 10.15 or newer will no longer be able to use WorkSpace software. Get Started on Your Workspace Application Workspace is the standard way for organizations or individuals to apply for federal grants in Workspace allows a grant team to simultaneously access and edit different forms within an application. Plus, the forms can be filled out online or offline — your choice.

exws: Use external workspace

Workspace Based on the input parameter, it defines the local path to the workspace, and switches to it. The complete workspace path follows the pattern:


  • nodeMountPoint is defined either in the Node configuration, External Workspace section, or in the Jenkins global config, the External Workspace Template section. Firstly it searches for the disk definition in the Jenkins global config (the Template lookup is done based on the Node label parameter), then it fallbacks to searching in the Node configuration.
  • physicalPathOnDisk is defined in the Jenkins global config, the External Workspace Definitions section.
  • externalWorkspace

    The object returned by the exwsAllocate step.

    Basic usage:

    • Type:class org.jenkinsci.plugins.ewm.model.ExternalWorkspace

exwsAllocate: Allocate external workspace

Allocates a disk from the given Disk Pool Ref ID. By default, the disk with the most available space is selected. On that disk, it computes the workspace path based on the formula: physicalPathOnDisk/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER, where physicalPathOnDisk is defined in the Jenkins global config, External Workspace Definitions section.

If you provide the Upstream parameter, then the Disk Pool Ref ID parameter will be ignored. In this case, the step will allocate the same workspace as used by its upstream job. By default, it will select the workspace used by the last stable build from the upstream job.

  • diskPoolId
    The reference to the Disk Pool ID defined in the Jenkins global config.
    • Type:String
  • path (optional)

    The workspace path on the Disk can be configured within the Build DSL. If the path parameter is provided, the exwsAllocate step will allocate this workspace path on the Disk. If it's not provided, the exwsAllocate step will fallback to using the Workspace path template parameter defined in the Jenkins global config, External Workspace Definitions section, if any.

    Basic Pipeline example:

    Note: It's recommended to use ${ } for variable declaration, instead of standalone $ symbol, as shown in the examples.

    • Type:String
  • selectedRun (optional)

    If you provide this parameter, the exwsAllocate step will allocate the first workspace used by the selected run.

    This is a RunWrapper object. You can get a reference by using the runSelector step from the Run Selector Plugin.

    Basic usage example:

    • Type:class
  • strategy (optional)

    Provide Disk allocation strategy as step parameter. This will override the strategy defined in the Jenkins global config.

    Note: Some Disk allocation strategies may require additional information to be provided. For example, if you choose the fastest read/write speed strategy, then you must provide, for each disk, its read/write speeds. These values should be set in the Disk Information section, for each Disk entry from the Jenkins global config.

      Nested Choice of Objects
    • fastestReadSpeed
      • estimatedWorkspaceSize (optional)

        Optional parameter. It indicates the estimated size that the workspace may have. It has to be in MB.

        If provided, the Disk allocation strategy ensures that the selected disk has at least as much usable space left as the estimated workspace size.

        For example, let's suppose we want to select the disk with the highest read speed, but that has a minimum usable space of 100 MB. The Pipeline code for that is:

        • Type:long
    • fastestWriteSpeed
      • estimatedWorkspaceSize (optional)

        Optional parameter. It indicates the estimated size that the workspace may have. It has to be in MB.

        If provided, the Disk allocation strategy ensures that the selected disk has at least as much usable space left as the estimated workspace size.

        For example, let's suppose we want to select the disk with the highest read speed, but that has a minimum usable space of 100 MB. The Pipeline code for that is:

        • Type:long
    • mostUsableSpace
      • estimatedWorkspaceSize (optional)

        Optional parameter. It indicates the estimated size that the workspace may have. It has to be in MB.

        If provided, the Disk allocation strategy ensures that the selected disk has at least as much usable space left as the estimated workspace size.

        For example, let's suppose we want to select the disk with the highest read speed, but that has a minimum usable space of 100 MB. The Pipeline code for that is:

        • Type:long

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  • 3 minutes to read

The DXWorkspaceManager control allows you to easily manipulate layouts of various DevExpress controls.


Workspace Manager Overview

Nearly all DevExpress controls allow end-users to change their layouts (states). For example, the Dock Windows and Bars libraries allow you to rearrange panels, toolbars and commands within toolbars. The Data Grid control allows you to change the order of columns, sort, group data, etc.

The layouts of these controls can be saved to a data store and then restored later. The WorkspaceManager component makes manipulating layouts of DevExpress controls much easier. You can create multiple layouts for visual controls in advance, and then use the WorkspaceManager to instantly switch between them at runtime.

The WorkspaceManager can be used with any DevExpress visual control that supports serialization (e.g., BarManager, DockLayoutManager, GridControl, etc.). The target visual control may also contain other serializable DevExpress controls as children. For instance, the BarManager may contain a DockLayoutManager child object. In this example, the WorkspaceManager will manipulate child control layouts as well.

Additionally, the WorkspaceManager supports multiple visual transition effects applied when loading a selected layout. See the WorkspaceManager.TransitionEffect topic to learn more.

Workspace ManagerWorkspace manager

Workspace Manager Jobs

Using the Workspace Manager

Each WorkspaceManager instance is associated with a particular visual control (target control). To create a WorkspaceManager, set the WorkspaceManager.IsEnabled attached property for a visual control to true. A new WorkspaceManager instance will be created and associated with this control. You can now obtain it via the WorkspaceManager.WorkspaceManager attached property.

The WorkspaceManager manipulates layouts of the target control and its child controls, so it stores each layout of the target control together with the corresponding layouts of the child controls, arranged into a workspace. Workspaces are identified by their names and stored in the WorkspaceManager.Workspaces collection. A new workspace can be created by capturing the current state of the target control via the WorkspaceManager.CaptureWorkspace method. To apply a previously captured workspace, use the WorkspaceManager.ApplyWorkspace method. The workspaces can be saved to a file or stream using the WorkspaceManager.SaveWorkspace method, and then loaded again with the WorkspaceManager.LoadWorkspace method.

You can also use the WorkspaceManager.TransitionEffect property to specify a visual effect applied when switching between workspaces.

Workspace Manager Chrome

The WorkspaceManager fires the WorkspaceManager.BeforeApplyWorkspace event after the WorkspaceManager.ApplyWorkspace method has been called, but before it applies a workspace. After the WorkspaceManager.ApplyWorkspace method has applied the workspace, the WorkspaceManager.AfterApplyWorkspace event occurs.
