Catholic Calendar for the Tradtional Latin Liturgy. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday. Founded in 1844, The Boys’ Latin School of Maryland is an all-boys independent school serving boys in grades K-12. At Boys’ Latin, each and every one of our students is known - for who he is today and all he will be tomorrow. Catholic Calendar for the Tradtional Latin Liturgy. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday.
Traditional Liturgical Calendar
Following the Rubrics of Pope St. Pius X
For the Universal Calendar (Roman Rite) of the Church
The 'Liturgical Calendar by Month' below is based on the most traditional form of the Roman Rite, before the Conciliar-Bugnini changes of 1950, 1956, 1960, and 1962. It is the one that corresponds to the fully traditional version of the Missale Romanum and the Breviarium Romanum in four volumes.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Publications produces, for those that want an annual printed Roman Catholic Calendar, the best and most complete annual full-color calendar, both in the calendar's daily boxes and in the religious art that accompanies each month. It contains full information about all feasts, commemorations, votive Masses, fasts and abstinence, Ember Days, and more. In the back matter, there is excellently-summarized information about indulgences, fast and abstinence, and other practical matters. This is unquestionably the best and most complete traditional calendar available. $11.00 (includes shipping) from 2200 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle, MT 59414-1213, (406) 452-9021,
The St. Lawrence Press produces the best and most complete annual Ordo available, the Ordo Recitandi Officii Divini Sacrique Peragendi [Order of Reciting the Divine Office and Carrying Out the Sacred Rite], entirely in Latin and in the traditional form. It contains detailed information about the Mass and Divine Office that priests and the most advanced laypeople use, much more complete in its detail than any calendar can give. Additional pages give the rubrics for Solemn Votive Masses, rubrics for conventual Masses and private votive Masses, and the text for the movable feasts sung on Epiphany. $20.00 (includes airmail postage) from 59 Sandscroft Ave., Broadway, Worcestershire WR12 7EJ, UK, or by credit/debit card from
After the principal feast or ferial of the day appears its liturgical rank:
- d1cl - double of first class
- d2cl - double of second class
- dm - double major feast
- d - double feast
- sd - semi-double feast
- sp - simple feast
- v - vigil
- f - ferial day; no feast appointed
Then any commemorations appropriate to the day in their proper order, and finally the color of vestments pertaining to the Mass and Divine Office of the day:
- B - black
- G - green
- R - red
- V - violet
- W - white
- x - Requiem or Votive Mass permitted on this day
To Saints' names are appended their title:
- Ab - Abbot
- Ap(p) - Apostle(s)
- Bp(p) - Bishop(s)
- C(c) - Confessor(s)
- D - Doctor
- Ev - Evangelist
- M(m) - Martyr(s)
- P(p)- Pope(s)
- V(v) - Virgin(s)
- W - widow
Days of fast, partial abstinence, and (complete) abstinence from meat are also indicated as observed since 1952:
- Abstinence. All persons over seven years of age must abstain. This means that they may not take fleshmeat, meat gravy, or meat soup at all on days of complete abstinence, which are all Fridays (except on holydays of obligation), Ash Wednesday, Holy Saturday (until noon), and the Vigils of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas. They may take meat, but only at the principal meal, on days of partial abstinence, which are Ember Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the Vigils of Pentecost and of All Saints' Day.
- Fast - All persons over twenty-one and under fifty-nine years of age must fast. This means that on a fast day they may have only one principal or full meal and two smaller meals. They may eat meat at this principal meal, except on days of complete abstinence. At the two smaller meals they may not have meat, but they may take sufficient food to maintain their strength. However, these two smaller meals together should be less than a full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices, may be taken any time on a fast day. The days of fast are the weekdays of Lent including Holy Saturday (until noon), the Ember Days, and the Vigils of Pentecost, the Immaculate Conception, All Saints' Day, and Christmas.
- to attend daily Mass during the period of fast and abstinence [if this is not possible, one might say all or part of the Divine Office, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Most Holy Rosary]
- to receive Holy Communion often
- to take part more frequently in exercises of piety
- to give generously to works of religion and charity
- to perform acts of kindness toward the sick, the aged, and the poor
- to practice voluntary self-denial
- to pray more fervently
Those not bound to fast may eat meat as often as they wish, except on days of complete abstinence (when it may not be eaten at all), and on days of partial abstinence (when it may be eaten only at the principal meal). When a person's health or ability to work would be seriously affected by fasting or, in even rarer cases, by abstaining, a traditional priest/confessor should be consulted to determine whether the law obliges.
In granting these concessions, the bishops urged the faithful:
Charlotte Latin Calendar 2020-2021
For further information, see the TRADITIO Library of Files for FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend? on The St. Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale and for GLOSSARY: Learning the Breviary: A Brief Dictionary of Terms for Reference.
Liturgical Calendar by Month
Liturgical calendars for the fully Traditional Roman Rite (1950), following the rubrics of Pope St. Pius X for the Universal Calendar of the Church, may be viewed or printed for the following months:
December 2021November 2021October 2021September 2021August 2021July 2021June 2021May 2021April 2021March 2021February 2021January 2021
December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020
December 2019November 2019October 2019September 2019August 2019July 2019June 2019May 2019April 2019March 2019February 2019January 2019
December 2018November 2018October 2018September 2018August 2018July 2018June 2018May 2018April 2018March 2018February 2018January 2018
December 2017November 2017October 2017September 2017August 2017July 2017June 2017May 2017April 2017March 2017February 2017January 2017
December 2016November 2016October 2016September 2016August 2016July 2016June 2016May 2016April 2016March 2016February 2016January 2016
December 2015November 2015October 2015September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015
December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014January 2014
December 2013November 2013October 2013September 2013August 2013July 2013June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013
December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012July 2012June 2012May 2012April 2012March 2012February 2012January 2012
December 2011November 2011October 2011September 2011August 2011July 2011June 2011May 2011April 2011March 2011February 2011January 2011
December 2010November 2010October 2010September 2010August 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010
December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009August 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009
December 2008November 2008October 2008September 2008August 2008July 2008June 2008May 2008April 2008March 2008February 2008January 2008
December 2007November 2007October 2007September 2007August 2007July 2007June 2007May 2007April 2007March 2007February 2007January 2007
December 2006November 2006October 2006September 2006August 2006July 2006June 2006May 2006April 2006March 2006February 2006January 2006
December 2005November 2005October 2005September 2005August 2005July 2005June 2005May 2005April 2005March 2005February 2005January 2005
December 2004November 2004October 2004September 2004August 2004July 2004June 2004May 2004April 2004March 2004February 2004January 2004
December 2003November 2003October 2003September 2003August 2003July 2003June 2003May 2003April 2003March 2003February 2003January 2003
December 2002November 2002October 2002September 2002August 2002July 2002June 2002May 2002April 2002March 2002February 2002January 2002
December 2001November 2001October 2001September 2001August 2001July 2001June 2001May 2001April 2001March 2001February 2001January 2001