Winamp Play Speed

Once registered, Winamp Pro can rip your CDs at speeds up to 48x, 9 times the speed of Winamp 5.x! (Actual speeds may differ, depending on your computer's specifications.) MP3 Encoding — With Winamp Pro, you can rip all your favorite music CDs into the industry leading MP3 format. Spawn new Winamp instance: Alt+M: Minimize Winamp: Keypad 1: Jump Ten Songs Back: Ctrl+H: Show recently played files/streams (Keypad 6: Next Track: Keypad 5: Play/Restart/Unpause: Keypad 4: Previous Track: Keypad 3: Jump Ten Songs Forward: Keypad 7: Rewind 5 seconds: Keypad 9: Fast-forward 5 seconds: Keypad 8: Turn Volume Up: Keypad 2: Turn.

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How to Broadcast to your Shoutcast Server using Winamp?
Disclaimer: We only offer this article as help to you. We do not offer tech support for WinAmp.
There are known issues of WinAmp not being able to connect or use voice when using Windows 10 and SHOUTcast v1.
If you have Windows 10 use a plan that offers SHOUTcast v2 or Liquidsoap

Step 1.)

Download the latest version of Winamp first (For Windows) and Download SHOUTcast DSP Plug-In For Winamp (For Windows).
Once you have installed the DSP, start Winamp, open the preferences(CTRL+P) and click on the DSP/Effects subcategory under the Plug-ins tree. Please refer to the picture below:

If you see 'Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP v2.3.2' in the right panel, then you have correctly installed the SHOUTcast Broadcast DSP Plug-in.

SHOUTcast Source DSP

Step 2.)

Select the 'Output' tab at the top of your DSP window. Select 'Output 1' under the selection box, and fill in all of the following fields properly.
Here, you need to enter the server IP address: Make sure that you put in the proper server IP, or else you will not be able to connect.
In this field, you need to enter the 'DJ encoding' port that was given to you in your welcome email. It should contain 4 numbers. Once again, this must be set properly or else you will be unable to connect. Please note: This is NOT your streaming port that listeners use to hear your stream, this port connects the DJ to the stream. This information is obtained from the DJ manager (WHMSonic) or Configuration DJ (Centova).
Last, you need to enter the encoder (source) password that was created in your DJ manager. Enter this here, and make sure there are no mistakes. If using SHOUTcast v1, the username and password can be entered in the password box together separated by a colon (:). (Common mistakes include using the copy and paste method. There is sometimes a space added during the process that will cause an invalid password error)

Step 3.)

Directory setup (streaming server display details)
Click on the 'Directory' tab right above where you entered all of the previous information.

If you'd like your server to be listed in the SHOUTcast directory, check the 'Make this server public' box, and fill in all of the information below the box in a proper manner.

Be sure to check the 'Enable Title Updates' and the two boxes that say 'Auto' in
order to show your users the title of the song that is playing.

Step 4.)

  • Encoder Settings (select streaming audio format).
  • Select the 'Encoder' tab at the top of your DSP window.
  • Make sure under the selection box, you have selected 'Encoder 1'.
  • The Encoder Type can be set to either MP3 or AAC+, our servers support both. However, If you are broadcasting in virtual games like Utherverse (RLC) and/or Second-Life, this must always be MP3.
  • MP3 audio sounds good and is compatible with just about every media player on the market. AAC+ is only compatible with Winamp and Windows Media Player (with a plugin) but sounds much better at lower qualities. Be sure to choose wisely.
  • In the Encoder Settings drop down, select the bitrate that you ordered from us (192kbps etc.), and be sure that the line you selected has 'Stereo' at the end, so individual sounds will come out of both of your listener's speakers.
  • Note: If you try streaming at a bitrate higher than what you have ordered you will not be able to stream and your account could be suspended or terminated. See Terms of Use.

Step 5.)

Input settings (select the input audio source)
Select the 'Input' tab at the top of your DSP window. Unless you have specific soundcard input settings, or want to talk on your stream, select 'Winamp' at the Input Device. As every soundcard is different and individual, we cannot give any tutorials for the Soundcard Input except to say that to use your mic and the ability to speak over the stream when live, you must select 'soundcard.'

Step 6.)

Go back to the 'Output' tab in your DSP window. Make sure 'Output 1' is selected, and then click the connect button. In the status box above the button, it should give a time and then 'Sent xxxx bytes'.

Congratulations, you have begun to stream audio!
You may now open any Winamp-compatible audio file in your player, and it will stream to our servers.

Step 7.)

Using your microphone to talk/speak while broadcasting live.

  1. Open Prefrences (CRT+P) It is always best to leave this window open during live broadcast.
  2. Select the Input Tab
  3. Change Input Device to Soundcard Input
  4. Push 'Talk' or 'Lock' to talk

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Winamp Play Speed

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1.1. What isPaceMaker plug-in

PaceMaker is a plug-in for Winamp player that enablesindependent control of the sound tempo, pitch and playback rate:

  • Tempo control speeds up or slows down themusic tempo without affecting the music key (pitch)

  • Pitch control changes the music pitch (key)without affecting the tempo

  • Speed control changes the music playback rateas if a vinyl record or an audio tape were played at a too high or lowrate.

PaceMaker version 2 also features a Vocal Removalcapability to suppress original singing voice, which is useful forpracticing singing or karaoke.

Why would anyone wish to do thatthen? Well, someone may find it fun to play with music, for example tomake Elvis sing like chipmunks or Michael Jackson sound like a soulking, or just to add some tempo to electrify almost any song..

In addition, it's turned out thatthere are also 'useful' applications for PaceMaker:

  • Slow down music tempo to easepracticing music
  • Singes can change the music key tomatch their voice
  • Dancers can change the music temposuitable for dancing
  • Adjust music key instead ofretuning instrument for each song
  • Listen to 78 RPM vinyl singleswith a usual 33/45 RPM disc player
  • Transcribe tunes
  • Write down dictations

1.2. Systemrequirements

  • A PC with a 150 Mhz processor or better.

  • Windows operating system or compatible (Windows 98,NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows7, Linux+Wine)

  • Winamp player installed to the PC. The latestversion of Winamp player can be downloaded for free at

Please notice that this version of PaceMaker plug-in doesn't work with Winamp version 3.0. There's however anotherversion of PaceMaker for Winamp3 available at the PaceMaker3page.

1.3. Is therePaceMaker or Similar software available for other platforms?

Currently the PaceMaker plug-in isavailable for the Winamp player for PC/Windows domain only (PaceMakerfor XAudio player also does exist, but it's not in public distributiondue to license issues). However, if someone wishes to convert PaceMakerfor some other player, the source codes are available from the author:).

There are also othershareware/freeware/open source software with similar capabilities forother operating systems:

  • Ardour - Digital AudioWorkstation for Linux (using SoundTouchlibrary).
  • SoundTouch - anopen-source sound processing library. Includes a command-line tool forprocessing audio files in .wav format. Can be compiled to practicallyany platform with gcc or similar compiler tools available (Linux, Unix,MAC, etc).

Where are all Mac software, hilfe! Download hp 8702 to my new macbook pro. Ifyou've a hint of other applicable software you'd like to see on thislist, please drop an e-mail to author.

1.4. Can IRedistribute PaceMaker or link it to my own page?

Yes, PaceMaker can be distributed onown WWW pages, as a part of a program collection or a publication asfar as no changes are made to the PaceMaker software or installationpackage, and no other payment is demanded for PaceMaker plug-in exceptfor reasonable delivery costs.

If you wish to add a link toPaceMaker site, please use this address: direct the user to correct location should the actualWWW server change some day.

1.5. RegisteringPaceMaker

If you find PaceMaker useful and fun,please support the development work by registering your copy ofPaceMaker against a small registration fee. Using PaceMaker for anycommercial or professional use will require registering.

Please go to PaceMakerregistrationpage formore information!

1.5.1. Do I need to register my copyof PaceMaker plug-in?

As long as you'reusing PaceMaker fornoncommercial/nonprofessional use, registering the plug-in isvoluntary. Using PaceMaker for any commercial or professional usewill require registering.

Registering yourcopy of PaceMaker alsoenables some additional features for your use, such as configurablesliders, wideradjustment rangesand system-level hotkeys.

Despite theregistration being voluntaryfor normal users, creating and maintaining the PaceMaker plug-inhave however required a considerable effort, so if you'reenjoying using PaceMaker, you may wish to support the developmentwork by registering your copy of PaceMaker against a smallregistration fee.

Good reasons toregister your copy ofPaceMaker plug-in are:

  • To enable registered users only additional features

  • If you findPaceMaker useful or fun

  • If you're usingPaceMaker on constant basis

  • If you're usingPaceMaker for any commercial or professional use.

  • If you wish tosupport the PaceMaker development !



Changes in PaceMaker plug-in version 2.7:

  • Option to enlarge the PaceMaker control window size for easier visibility & control on high-resolution displays (see configuration settings for more information)
  • Sound quality improvements
  • Installer now support plug-in installation for MediaMonkey player (notice that memorizing tempo/pitch/speed parameters separately for each song don't work with MediaMonkey).
  • Bugfix: 'memorize settings for each song' database can now treat properly also songs whose names are longer than 255 characters

Changes in PaceMaker plug-in version 2.6:

  • Sound Quality improvements
  • Added Alt+Key shortcuts for quick selection of Voice Cancel mode on PaceMaker window (Basic / Advanced algorithm, play only Left/Right Channel)
  • Extended external message control API to allow controlling Remove Vocals feature from external programs

Sketch app download mac. Changes in PaceMaker plug-in version 2.5.2:

  • Load previously used Tempo, Pitch, Speed settings with full decimal precision upon starting the plug-in. Earlier version rounded the loaded setting to whole numbers

Changes in PaceMaker plug-in version 2.5.1:

  • Fixed skips in sound under heavy system load

Changes in PaceMaker plug-in version 2.5:

  • Fixed alt+key shortcut keys
  • Simplified registration information entry

Changes in PaceMaker plug-in version 2.4:

  • Improvements in sound quality
  • Fix for AAC audio decoder
  • Plug-in Uninstaller tool
  • Additions to external control API

Changes in PaceMaker v2.3

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes
  • Easier to use installation tool
  • Windows 7 compatible installation
  • Support for Windows 7 and 64bit Windows
  • Adjusted processing parameters to improved soundquality

Changes in PaceMaker v2.2:

  • Added 'Play Right Channel only' and 'Play LeftChannel only' vocal removal modes to support dual-channel karaokerecords.
  • Windows Vista bug fix: Moved PaceMaker settings fileand Song setting database file 'pacemaker_songparams.txt' into userapplication directory to resolve write access problem in Vista(existing song parameter database is migrated automatically when thenew version is started for the first time).
  • More generic sound file support, tested with .wav,.wma, .mp3, .flac, .ogg and CD audio
  • Fixed a bug that halted program at startup if thesong parameter file were corrupted.
  • Fixed a crash with MediaMonkey player. PaceMakerworks with MediaMonkey player, except storing tempo/pitch/speedsettings for each song separately doesn't work due to interfacelimitations.

Changes in PaceMaker v2.1:

Mp3 Player Winamp

  • Miscellaneous fixes in processing routines
  • Added a Windows control message for switching vocalremoving capability on/off
  • Removed expiration notification that activated on1.1.2005. This expiration check was accidentally forgotten to version2.02 from an earlier beta version. Apologies!

Changes in PaceMaker v2.02:

  • Fixed a small but annoying bug that distorted sound
  • Fixed a bug that distorted sound when playing fileswith different sample rates

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Changes in PaceMaker v2.0:

  • New user interface with skin
  • Configurable slider ranges
  • Configurable system-level hotkeys
  • Voice Removal
  • Fixed problems with some soundformats

Changes since PaceMaker v1.31 :

  • Show the registered name correctlyin the configuration window when the plug-in has been registered.
  • Configuration window title changedas it occasionally caused conflicts when controlling PaceMaker fromexternal applications.

Changes since PaceMaker v1.3 :

  • Fixed a bug that slider precisionsettings weren't saved when closing PaceMaker

Changes since PaceMaker v1.23 :

  • Memorizing settings for each song
  • Reset settings for new songs
  • Configurable adjustment precision
  • Ability to control PaceMaker fromexternal applications by using Windows Messages.

Changes since PaceMaker v1.2 :

  • Fixed a MMX detection routineissue causing PaceMaker to crash with some Cyrix processors.
  • Some tweaks and bug fixes underthe hood.
  • Extended the dll API for usingPaceMaker in other programs (visit the dev section for moredetails [note : link to the internet]).

Changes since v1.2beta :

  • Decent support for other samplefrequencies than 44.1 kHz
  • Fix to Winamp v2.666 and v2.7incompatibility issues
  • Option to disable sound tweakingon the PaceMaker window
  • Spin buttons for alternativecontrol of the sliders, 'Reset' and 'Help!' buttons.

Changes since v1.1 :

  • Support for 'mono' songs.
  • Option to use semi-tones insteadof octaves to change pitch.
  • Support for 'CD Reader' inputplug-in (enables using PaceMaker directly with music CD's!).
  • Sound quality improvements
  • A little bit of this and that.

1.7. Contact information

Check for new PaceMaker releases atthe product home page

If you've found a bug, please see thebelow section, reporting bugs, for whatinformation to include with the bug report.

Send comments and bug reports to theauthor at <>.Ifyou've registeredyour copy of the plug-in, please include yourregistration information.

1.7.1.Reporting bugs

PaceMaker has been tested withvarious PC's and different Windows versions, but it's not quiteimpossible that there still would be bugs.

If you notice PaceMaker crashingWinamp, please describe how the problem is reproduced and also includethe error message shown by Windows in your bug report.

Please also include information ofyour Windows version (95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista), your Winamp versionand what kind of audio your playing (mp3, wma, wav, flac, CD audio etc).

1.8. License

The PaceMaker plug-in is provided 'asis' without external support or warranty for non-registered users. Thesoftware can be freely used and further distributed for non-commercialpurposes. Use for commercial purposes require registering the plug-inagainst small registration fee (see the section 'RegisteringPaceMaker'). Registering a single copy of PaceMaker will authorize touse the PaceMaker plug-in for commercial/professional use by one personin one computer at a time.

The PaceMaker software can bedistributed as a part of a program collection or a publication, as faras no changes are made to the PaceMaker software or installationpackage, and no other payment is demanded for PaceMaker plug-in exceptfor reasonable delivery costs.

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Use of PaceMaker plug-in module orthe source code as a part of a commercial product without author'spermission are prohibited. Please contact author for further details.

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Always wear protective clothing andapproved helmet when using the software. The software may contain smallparticles, so keep it out of reach of children under age of five. Theauthor don't assume any responsibility for mental or social problemsthe software may cause.